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19 Jul

Wedding Season Meets Tanty Becky


It took a while but my wedding season guide is back with this all black outfit I’m simply obsessed with. In my opening post (here) I wrote about how I usually stay away from black outfits and keep my looks colorful when attending weddings. I also wrote about how every rule has its exception, and this one’s it. 

A black outfit should always have an extra wow factor in my eyes when it comes to evening wear, espicially when going to a wedding where literally every other girl will be wearing black. Disguised as an easy solution, going with this all time fave is somewhat of a trap we all step into, and if I’m falling into that one, I might as well go all out.

This dramatic total look (top, pants & clutch) is courtesy of a fab little boutique called Tanty Becky, located in Ramat Hasharon. The minute I tried on this look I could feel that extra touch of glam I always look for, and was so excited to find a perfect stunner that isn’t a dress for a change! The top is a total win, plus, this was my first time wearing cullotes, finally. Always wanted to try a pair but never found ones I actually liked.

Would love to hear your thoughts about this look and the all black trap. Will be posting some more of my great Tanty Becky finds this week so stay tuned and don’t forget to visit their facebook and Instagram page for more fashion inspo.



Wearing:Top, cullotes & clutch courtesy of Tanty Becky, Penumbra bracelet, Faith mules & Careline matt lipstick (24).

Photography by Max Bluestone.

  • קארין

    וואו מושלם מושלם מושלם!

    July 19, 2016 at 8:53 am Reply
  • Emilia

    וואו זה פריט מיוחד מאוד וצריך להיות ממש מגניבה ועם סטייל משובח בשביל לדעת לבחור בו
    וכמובן את הפיגורה הנכונה, שיחקת אותה

    מממ בגלל שלא עוקבים אחרי כאן חחח אודה ואגיד שאני מרמת השרון וחלפתי הרבה על פני הבוטיק הזה ולא ממש נכנסתי להתעמק כי כמו שכתבתי אני קונה שמאטסידה חחח
    אבל זה לא אומר שאין לי הערכה רבה למעצבים, ישראלים בפרט

    אני בהחלט שמחה שאת מעדכנת יותר
    ואעיף מבט באינסטגרם אם כי אין לי אחד כזה

    July 19, 2016 at 6:24 pm Reply

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