Why Delilah Archive

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29 Nov

All About The BLING

Or NOT. Naturally this blog exposes some exotic and less exotic confessions. You'll probably won't ever see a post about my "grooming routine" around here, mainly 'cause my grooming routine can be summed up pretty easily and it is all about taking a shower, remove all body hair obsessively, brush my teeth, apply a cream or two and always smell nice. (I even fall asleep with my make- up on many times, a BIG NO-NO at the fashion blogging world, and at the lady's world all together). When it comes to jewelry, my agenda is also pretty thin. Much like my grooming routine, here too is a story you can sum up in few sentences. I really love to wear jewelry, mostly big and...
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26 Nov

Smiley And The Counselor

 Like most recent weekends, this past weekend too my boyfriend and I took the time to enjoy one of our favorite hobbies and went to the movies. This time it was the new ridley scott movie "The Counselor", that seemed pretty promising at first glance. Although I had a hard time understanding the trailer, I convinced myself very easily that a movie that stars Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz and Brad Pitt can't be all bad. Max agreed, and in a very forgiving mood we came to see the Counselor's adventures. It really wasn't all that bad, but it wasn't very good either. the reasons I couldn't understand the trailer became very clear to me right at the beginning when this movie turned...
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21 Nov


These past few days I've been all about cuddling in my blanket, eating snacks, wearing hoodies, drinking tea and keeping my air conditioner on the warm side. You can definitely say I'm taking this winter too far too soon, but one thunder is really all it takes for me to decide I'm staying home at least until march. Up until then, I'll take comfort at the small pleasures of avocado and purple lipstick, wear my bottle- green coat, watch re-runs of "Friends" episodes, gain some pounds on my hips and snack on some lentil soup that made it all the way from my parents house in Haifa. The bodysuit in these photos was bought by my mom when I was still a noisy...
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